About Us
Company Profile
Composite Repair Technology

Arrow Construction has been collaborating with 3x engineering of Monaco in the distribution of their specialist technology in composite repairs and facility maintenance. Aging offshore platforms face numerous problems with their topside lines, due to the hash and aggressive offshore conditions, external and internal corrosion are common problems even for onshore installations. Operationally, these installations are subjected to dents and cracks which are other types of defects identified in the oil and gas industry. In worst scenarios, these may lead to thorough wall defects and associated loss of primary containment, generating serious safety and environmental issues.
Arrow Construction Company limited competence is focused on engineering and facility maintenance, we have diversified accumulated experience listing dating since 2006. We have also worked with various major IOCs and marginal field operators in the areas of facility maintenance.
We are EPRS (Emergency Pipeline Repair System)experts with expert knowledge and solutions for facility maintenance, corrosion control and management, coatings/paintings for hash and aggressive environment and civil works. Arrow Construction has also worked severally on your site of Armada Perkasa FPSO (Okoro Setu field, see attached) and would be interested to re-establish business relationship.
Our services and competencies are centered on the following areas:
Pipeline Management and Maintenance: No shutdown required, guaranteed reinforcement of pipelines with wall loss up 90% to original integrity through composite repairs, No hot work, No sectional replacement of pipeline, 20 years repair guaranty.
- Flow line and pipeline construction
- Emergency Pipeline Repair System (EPRS)-Online leak repairs on oil or gas installations: No total shutdown required
- Coating and Corrosion mitigation for hash and aggressive environments
- Repair and Refurbishment of static/rotating equipment
- Flange maintenance and management
- In-line inspection services for unpiggable pipelines within a facility
- Flare stack inspection and pipeline surveillance with UAVs
- Gas lift Compressor design, production and installation etc.
- Civil engineering and construction.
- Specialized procurement and outsourcing (we are affiliated to a buying houses in Europe
We work with foreign technical affiliation, support and supervision and have enviable experience listing in onshore, offshore and deep water operation.
Arrowconn specializes in maintenance solutions for the oil and gas industry including leak sealing systems, anti corrosion products and composite repair systems to restore pipe integrity and for structural matters
To provide Total Quality Service the areas of:
- Specialized engineering and maintenance services
- project management
- Marine Logistics and Swamp Operations
- Civil and Mechanical Engineering