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Engineering Works

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Engineering Works

As implied in our name, we are an Engineering Company able to design, develop and manufacture repair systems taking into consideration the most challenging requirements.

If your problem does not have a standard solution, Arrow Construction will find it with you and will design it for you. Based on your specifications, our Research & Development (R&D) team will develop and manufacture a customised product using Finite Elements analysis.

Because our main values are « Innovation » and « Quality », our R&D team keeps exploring new technologies in order to improve continuously the quality of our products, technical services and develop new repair solutions.

We place great emphasis on delivering quality engineering services such as:

  • Roads, drainage and bridges
  • Swamp clearing
  • Steel fabrication
  • Plant /asset management and maintenance
  • Pipe repairs and maintenance
  • Pressure gauges
  • Safety valves and repairs

Arrow construction brings a proud heritage of engineering accomplishments ranging from execution of civil engineering contracts like roads, bridges, drains, swamp clearing to specialized and structured works like process packages and flare system, supply and repairs of safety valves, pressure gauges.

We work with highly reputable international companies and manufacturers.