About Us
Arrow Construction Company limited competence is focused on engineering and facility maintenance, we have diversified accumulated experience listing dating since 2006.
We have also worked with various major IOCs and marginal field operators in the areas of facility maintenance and civil engineering works.
Our Expertise Covers Oil and Gas, Power Plants, Engineering and Construction Industries. Composite System for Pipe Repair and Reinforcement in Subsea Environment.
Our staff are highly educated, trained and motivated to give optimum service to our clients through an enhanced incentive scheme.
Arrow Construction Company Limited is dedicated to Total Quality Management. The importance of Quality Control / Quality Assurance as well as safety management underscores our operational procedure.

Composite Repair Technology
We are excited to announce that we have expanded our product portfolio with 3X ENGINEERING product lines and propose a wide range of anti-corrosion solutions and repair technologies for the assets suffering from corrosion and mechanical damages.
Chesterton Coating and Corrosion
The Chesterton Solution for Oil, Gas, Mechanical Installations
Coating/Corrosion Products for Vessels, Tanks, Metals and Pipelines Especially for Hash and Aggressive Environments

Monti Bristle Blaster
Blasting Without Brit Using Monti’s Bristle Blaster Technology
Our company Arrowconn represent Monti BV, Germany, OEM of Bristle Blaster in exclusive capacity, we offer applicator training, repairs and after sales services…
The repair of Industrial Leaks without Plant Shutdown
Our franchise with Petroseal of France capacitize us to perform optimally on leak sealing and pipeline maintenance without shutdowns, not minding the temperature or pressure.

The Best Cost Effective and Benefits for in-service Flare Inspections
Arrow Construction also recently partnered with JSE Engineering of UAE to provide remote facility inspection services using Remotely Operated Aerial Vehicles (ROAV).