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Quality Policy Statement

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Quality Policy Statement

Arrow Construction Company limited is a fully owned Nigerian Company which collaborates with some foreign technical partners to provide specialized services to diverse sectors of the Nigerian economy, especially in the Oil & Gas, Energy, Construction and Maritime sector. We specialize in Emergency Leak Repairs, Pipeline Reinforcement, Facility Maintenance and Repairs, Coating, Surface Preparation, Heavy Duty Equipment Maintenance, Heavy Duty Equipment Leasing and Supply Services, Corrosion Control and its mitigation in hash and aggressive environments.

This Policy provides a framework for setting and reviewing the process-based quality objectives, with performance indicators monitored / evaluated monthly, and maintained as part of the ‘monitoring, measurement & analysis’ and ‘continual improvement’ processes within the context of our Organization and its strategic direction.

The Top  Management  of  ARROW  CONSTRUCTION  COMPANY  LIMITED  is committed to:

  • Satisfying all our Clients, relevant International, National, applicable statutory and regulatory while their requirements are understood and consistently met. The continual improvement of our QMS is determined by ensuring that the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of our  products  and  services  are  addressed.

  • Committed to  the Continual Improvement of  our Quality Management System and its performance through involvement with its relevant interested parties and monitoring of their needs and expectations. To assist with the above, we have implemented a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

  • Providing enabling  environment  for all our staff, Provisions for adequate Training  and involving them in the consultation and participation  of  QMS in  Arrow Construction Company Limited.

  • Ensures Continual  Improvement of  its  processes through  Appraisals, Internal  and External audits.

This Policy is communicated and understood by all employees, contract staff and relevant interested parties and applied within ARROW  CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED. They are expected to cooperate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own work is carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment. This policy will be reviewed annually by Top Management and where / when necessary, will be amended and re-issued.